Villla Vanquish

Monday 18 August 2014

Vegan cheese

Home made vegan cheese

150 gr macadamia nuts ( raw )
100 gr. cashew nuts ( raw)
50 gr. sunflower seeds ( raw )
1/2 lemon ( only the juice )
5 gr. agar agar
3 gr. cheese starter or probiotic ( optional )
1 t.s. Corn starch, tapioca flour
( you can find the agar agar and the cheese starter at any organic shop)
Soak the nuts in the fresh spring water overnight. Wash the nuts with clean water.
In cold water ( 50 gr) mix the agar powder and boil it for 3 min or until becomes thin jelly.
Add to the other products and blend it until soft and cheese. Ad some spring water to bled easily.
Take a colander, place doubled mesh bag in it and pour in the mixture.
Fold the bag covering all the mixture and add something heavy on top to drain the water.
Take the setting into a warm location and leave it there for  12 hours.
Remove it from the mesh bag into a plate and keep in the fridge. The longer it stays in the fridge the harder it becomes.
Enjoy your healthy, tasty vegan cheese! 

Saturday 15 March 2014

Blood type diet


I've read quite different views on the blood type diet. Interesting combination is the blood type diet and the genotypes of Dr. D’adamo. It recommends consistent diet and exercise to prevent chronic diseases and maintaining good health.
I personally recommend this kind of healthy eating and I follow it since 4-5 years.
I’m healthy, cheerful and full of energy. I sleep well and wake up early.

Simply listen to your body and always be concern about your healthy lifestyle.


Genotype 1 The Hunter

Tall, thin, and intense, with an overabundance of adrenaline and a fierce, nervous energy that winds down with age, the Hunter was originally the success story of the human species. Vulnerable to systemic burnout when overstressed, the Hunter's modern challenge is to conserve energy for the long haul.

Genotype 2 The Gatherer

Full-figured, even when not overweight, the Gatherer struggles with body image in a culture where thin is "in." An unsuccessful crash dieter with a host of metabolic challenges, the Gatherer becomes a glowing example of health when properly nourished.

Genotype 3 The Teacher

Strong, sinewy, and stable, with great chemical synchronicity and stamina, the Teacher is built for longevity - given the right diet and lifestyle. This is the genotype of balance, blessed with a tremendous capacity for growth and fulfilment's.

Genotype 4 The Explorer

Muscular and adventurous, the Explorer is a biological problem solver, with an impressive ability to adapt to environmental changes, and a better than average capacity for gene repair. The Explorer's vulnerability to hormonal imbalances and chemical sensitivities can be overcome with a balanced diet and lifestyle.

Blood type diet

Try it for a month and see the results, you can always get back to your usual routine. 
All the best!

pic here

Friday 28 February 2014

Acai Berry


The acai (ah-sigh-EE) berry is a grape-like fruit harvested from acai palm trees, which are native to the rainforests of South America. Acai berries are widely touted as a so-called superfood, with proponents claiming that they are helpful for a variety of health concerns, including arthritis, cancer, weight loss, high cholesterol, erectile dysfunction, detoxification and improving general health.

Many fruits besides acai berries provide antioxidants and other nutrients that are important to your health. But if you'd like to try acai, check your local health food or gourmet stores — acai can be consumed raw, in beverages such as juice, smoothies, or energy drinks, or in other food products such as jelly or ice cream.

I’m personally not a fan of tablet supplements. I suggest powder acai berry.
Among acai’s many antioxidants is one particular powerhouse called anthocyanin, which is suspected to be the driving force behind acai’s free-radical and age-fighting powers. It’s common in fruits with rich red and purple colors, like grapes and berries, but acai has far more t
han any other food. Acai’s ORAC level (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is over 3,500, which is hundreds of times higher than your average fruits like apples and bananas.

Also, it might surprise you that the little acai berry packs more grams of protein than an egg, and when combined with its host of omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, acai has been shown to improve the look and texture of your hair, skin and nails.

After one week of nourishing your body with the Amazon’s most potent
Super berry, you’re likely to feel more energy than you have in years!

The taste of Acai berries is often described as a fruity red wine flavor with chocolate overtones. They are highly perishable and therefore should be consumed within 24 hours. Within the nutritional pulp and skin, Acai berries are packed with antioxidants, amino acids, fiber, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals making it a near perfect energizing fruit.

The popularity of Acai is primarily due to its very high concentration of antioxidants. Briefly, antioxidants are molecules that prevent the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation produces free radicals, which can damage the cells and glands within our bodies making us more prone to disease and ageing. Since our bodies are exposed to a variety of toxins and produce trillions of free radicals, it is important to take steps to reduce the effect of free radicals in the body. Having a diet rich in antioxidants is the first step and introducing Acai into your regime is another possible way of preventing free radical damage.

The antioxidants found in Acai berry, anthocyanins, are excellent for heart health. Heart disease is increasingly becoming a problem in the world and finding natural ways of keeping your cardiovascular system healthy is an excellent option. Additionally, anthocyanins are also good at preventing the oxidation of cholesterol. When circulating cholesterol, no matter whether you have high or low levels, gets oxidized, it sticks to the walls of arteries causing their narrowing. This build-up of plaque eventually leads to high blood pressure, which is of course dangerous.

         The fiber found in Acai berry skin and pulp can aid digestion. Fiber can help prevent or relieve constipation and may help support a healthy cardiovascular system.
         Acai is naturally high in essential fatty acids having a fatty acid profile similar to olive oil. The link between essential fatty acids and heart health and a healthy nervous system is well documented.
         Acai berries contain amino acids, which help promote muscle performance, energy production, endurance, and strength.
         Acai berries contain as much Vitamin C as blueberries and are also a source of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and E. It is also a source of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and copper.

With such an amazing nutritional profile, it is not difficult to understand why Acai berries can be beneficial for your health and may help slow down the ageing process.

For the uninitiated, raw foodism may seem pretty gross. But the reality is that - for a lot of foods - cooking damages the nutrients and can reduce nutritional content. These raw food truffles are not only packed with superfood nutrition, but are a great way to have a decadent-feeling treat without too much guilt. Just don't eat them all in one go... makes 16 truffles.

1½ tbsp Super Coconut Oil
1/3 cup Super Acai + Berries Powder
4 tbsp Super Cacao
2 tbsp Palm Sugar
8 Large Dates
1 Tbsp Peanut Butter
1 pinch Sea Salt

1.            Combine all ingredients in a food processor and blend until dough has formed.
2.            Roll into 1” balls and dust with a small amount of remaining Super Acai + Berries.
Refrigerate for an hour before serving. Keep in fridge, and always serve chilled, or truffles will be too soft.

Try this:
1 tea spoon Acai Berry 
2 spoons Chia seed 
1 banana
1 cup of almond milk
2 spoons frozen mix berries
Blend and enjoy a cup of health !

Please don't forget you have to work for your own health and happiness!
Till soon!

pic here

Sunday 16 February 2014

Radiant orchid

Color of 2014

Designers take a modern twist on the traditional for spring 2014 by pairing soft pastels with vivid brights to create a colorful equilibrium. Inspired by a mixture of blooming flowers, travels abroad, and strong, confident women, designers use color to refresh, revive and defy conventional wisdom.
Pantone said that in 2014 the dominant hue will be the shade of purple because it can ‘intrigue the eye and spark the imagination’.
Read more: Here

Thursday 6 February 2014

Valentine's day

Valentine’s day coming soon

The history of Valentine's Day and the story of its patron saint are shrouded in mystery. We do know that February has long been celebrated as a month of romance, and that St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. But who was Saint Valentine, and how did he become associated with this ancient rite?
More here
…Who cares, …as long as we have fantastic day spent with our loved ones…even the mystery add some spice!

There is only one specific note I would like to make here: If you love someone you definitely SHOW it and SAY it. Never show up with empty hands, bring a PRESENT! (It doesn’t have to be pricey)
Here some inspiration and suggestions look carefully!
Have fun!

Standard gifts...

Maybe fancy dinner

Or romantic trip...

... book ...

Theatre or concert

Gourmet is always nice 

Here some good ideas for homosexual couples 

Visit a gallery or museum

Pear of a new sneakers is super present !

...or watch !

Belt, hat or just a gym subscription.


Love letter

Paint a picture

Red lipstick always work


Put some extra drama 

Some people deserve hot chili peppers!

And if he/she comes with empty hands just tell him/her to 

Thanks for your attention and have a great day!

pic from here